[M] HostsDict, HostsMask & HostsCombine

Common description

This modules using for web-hosts search directly on target servers, without DNS participation. Work of this modules it`s a HTTP requests sending to target IP with «Host» header contains a hostname. This may be usable for searching hidden hosts with DNS records on internal DNS servers, or fully without them. Or for hosts, which was moved to new server, but not deleted from old server.

Module can search objects by mask, dictionary and by combination (mask + dict).

Module works only in «raw» mode.


Searching virtual hosts on IP:

./ws.py HostsDict --ip --dict bases/demo/dict.txt --template @.hostsbrute.polygon.web-scout.online --false-re "Ubuntu Default Page"

Searching virtual hosts on IP by mask:

./ws.py HostsMask --ip --mask ?l,1,4 --template @.hostsbrute.polygon.web-scout.online --false-re "Ubuntu Default Page"

Options (* - necessary)

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